If it’s the same one, I remember watching a re-run of this Newhaven episode. It’s on the cliffs near the school.
Or on The Highway?
If it’s the same one, I remember watching a re-run of this Newhaven episode. It’s on the cliffs near the school.
You think that’s large, Rooney’s new palace in the Cheshire countryside is vast. A stable block much larger than the average home, two huge wings to the house one for a pool.
Part paid for by the Vardy’s.
Here was the work in progress, since completed.
View attachment 191587
The glass sided gym just reminds me of the garage where the Ferrari was stored in Ferris Buellers Day Off. That ended badly so it’s a no from me.
Well, most people only sleep once a day...It’s hideous. And I can never see the point of having more bathrooms than bedrooms.
I can’t see the point of - and actively would not want - a bedroom the size of a football pitch….. or even a tennis court. I would actually feel uncomfortable in it.Apart from some of the interior design what's so hideous about it?
I'd love to live somewhere like that. Maybe that's because I live in an apartment thats almost definitely smaller than the main bathroom.
I'd need to have some other people living there with me but I think it would be amazing to have a house like that. It's got everything you need to be entertained for ever. I'd bloody love it!
In terms of interior decoration while parts of the house are either bland or just a bit trashy if i was left to decorate it I'm not sure it'd be much better. I'd walk through the huse telling the designer to make this bit look like cyberpunk, that bit to look like classic Japan, that bit to look medieval, that bit art deco, that bit like a speakeasy etc etc. It'd be a horrible mish mash but i'd love it and be like a pig in shit!