cleaning up cat sick
Kim Jon Hung and Jihadi John must come high on the list with most sane and fair minded people.
can't we put them together and hope for a terminal result
Kim Jon Hung and Jihadi John must come high on the list with most sane and fair minded people.
Nigel Adkins
3 pages and no mention of scumbag Uncle Bob Mugabe - a mass murderer who was also the toast of the Lefties for many years
Nah, he's just ill.But he's dead
Labour should have used this picture. You can't trust a man that hides his hatred so well.Sepp Blatter?
Katie Hopkins probably.
Kim Jon Hung and Jihadi John must come high on the list with most sane and fair minded people.
3 pages and no mention of scumbag Uncle Bob Mugabe - a mass murderer who was also the toast of the Lefties for many years