The RMT leader lad was on Nicky Campbell this morning. Someone phoned in and said "I have been told that the train drivers all have the best government pension schemes, so...." RMT leader interrupts and says "That's completely untrue. We pay into our own pension schemes and, er, we are not a nationalized industry, having been flogged off in the 1990s".I do struggle a bit with the anti-union narrative from a purely ethical perspective although I appreciate some of the individuals heading up these organisations can be polarising. Unions however have existed and continue to exist to prevent the exploitation of their members. I think that's a pretty noble thing.
"Oh!" says the caller. "I didn't know that"

(I am paraphrasing ; I don't take notes when listening to the radio)
Various other callers objecting to strikes because the "cause inconvenience" but quite a few people, inconvenienced, expressing support for the railwaymen.
Funny old world....