NMH said:Now why would anyone attack vous from behind ....unless you are worried about some desparate (_!_) bandit in our midst ?....although that now worries me having thought about it........ but let's face it, we are all Brighton fans together (with a couple of incursions from Reading I think) and it should be a jolly old get-together. If anyone wants to be snotty and "I ain't taaaalking to HIM, he once called me a
" then they'd look fairly silly and could only live up to the title!
On here I am 'No Mates Hitler', so you'd expect to find me in a corner all alone ..... but I'll have ato keep me company anyway. Let's hear no more of this about stuck-ups and back-attacks, that surely won't be happening.
Imagine the scene;
Does that mean you're coming then? Cos you once threatened to knock me out and well, you know, I'd like to see you try and all that.
Yeah. Grrr.
(It actually would be quite funny to meet you.)