Who are the most ANNOYING type of people on trains?

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Spun Cuppa

Thanks Greens :(
Yes Ok...
I give in.

next time it happens, I will smile and congratulate them on the top notch thorough job they are doing.

I got stopped between platforms and got shown a badge I didn't recognise, and a demand to see my ticket. I thought of coming the old, 'That badge doesn't mean anything to me mate. Have you got any other form of ID?', but reckon that would have been manna from Heaven to him. I just showed my ticket and railcard and got waved on. I understand it is annoying, as it's your intergrity being questioned, and I've seen a fair few minty types just jump the barriers, obviously with no ticket, who don't get challenged as a slap would be the result...


New member
May 23, 2013
Vaux Sur Seine
Paris Metro, even first thing in the morning, there's always some smelly ****tard who thinks that deodorant is just some sort of nebulous concept........and it's not always a bloke!

black & white seagull

Active member
Aug 29, 2003
One thing that annoys me irrationally actually occurs on the platform rather than the train.

It's when someone hears a whistle from way over the other side of the station, but feels the need to put on a sprint for their own train, even though their own train doesn't depart for another full five minutes. It's like some Pavlovian reaction on their part and makes me want to push them off the platform for being so stupid. (It doesn't really.)

The Brighton Bear

Come on Kylie, get a grip
NSC Patron
May 3, 2010
Why is it that the foreign person next to me using their mobile phone manages to keep yapping constantly for five minutes, pauses for two seconds and then fits in another five minutes of incomprehensible jabber. Why don't I ever get the person that these people ring up?


New member
Mar 25, 2012
In no particular order:

1. Cyclists where only bicycles that are allowed are the folding ones, but they do not fold their bikes
2. Cyclists at other times that block the doors
3. People who put bags on seats to claim two seats to themselves
4. Obese people who are too large for the seating put sit down anyway
5. People eating, particularly hot food
6. People putting make up on
7. People making long telephone calls
8. People answering a telephone call where the second phrase is 'i'm on the train'
9. Children who make too much noise
10. Children who fail to sit still
11. Loud music
12. People who place there feet on seats opposite
13. People who pretend to be asleep when the ticket checker comes round
14. People without a ticket who say they have only just got on the train despite being on for several stations at least.
15. People who talk the whole journey
16. People who are unable to work out which part of the train goes to Lewes or Worthing at Haywards Heath

You could have saved yourself a lot of effort by just typing "People".


Well-known member
Feb 16, 2009
Fat people
People with umbrellas - especially those who decide to ignore the fact that their rolled up brolly is dripping on my leg
People who stand in the doorway while people behind them want to get off
Leg spreaders
People who have forgotten to clean their teeth that morning - seriously when you breath out I don’t want it to smell like shit

Don't have to put up with people on the phone as I take the tube everyday, and don't have to put up with people with headphones and loud music, as I use headphones and simply turn the music up if I can hear someone else's


New member
Nov 6, 2011
Keypad tones
Ill people, don't breathe your foul ill breath on me
People who keep their coat on when it is wet from rain or whatever.
Full sized bikes
People I know, I don't want to see them on my train or the gym!
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Jimmy Come Lately

Registered Loser
Oct 27, 2011
Keypad tones

God yes, especially as the ones with keypad tones switched on seem to have some kind of infinite text allowance and spend the entire journey bleeping out messages.

Elderly day-trippers returning from London inanely recounting every detail of their trip to the other person who was right there in London with them the whole time.

Family day-trippers returning from London who are surprised and upset that they can't find adjacent seats for their menagerie of five children on an evening rush hour train.

And all the tribes of hateful tossers already mentioned on this thread. Yeah, I could probably just have said "people" too.

Sergei's Celebration

Well-known member
Jan 3, 2010
I've come back home.
Laptop tossers. The contstant tap tap tappity tap on the keyboard is even more annoying than loud headphone tossers.
Sorry but sometimes I need to work, however if you and I are on the train at the same time you're more than likely a commuter to London so I hope you understand.

For me it's the people who head down, through the carriage, pushing past people. What do they think? There is a magical netherworld at the back of the train that no one else is sitting in? There ain't...

Dec 18, 2003
Haywards Heath
Children who grab the fold down tray on the back of the airline style seats and when it gives a loud squeak as it rapidly lowers, then pump the thing up and down in rapid succession, while it gives off increasingly ear-piercing squeals of a tone similar to nails being dragged down a blackboard (showing my age with that reference) sometimes laughing manically. Worse are the parents who fail to stop them immediately. Amazed we've got to 7 pages without this coming up. Is it only me who has experienced this torture?

And me! Why would the train/seat manufacturers design something that makes so much noise in the first place?! Weird.


Apr 12, 2011
People who get on, sit near you and sniff constantly. I mean like every 5 seconds or so, and it's wet sniffing so you know there's mucus sliding down and then being sniffed back up just before it makes an appearance. It's obvious they're ill, and polluting the carriage. Use a bloody handkerchief you dirty b4stards, you are revolting.

They is no choice for us clean people than to go and sit or stand in another carriage.

Yeah I hate it when people keep their germs to themselves, use a hanky, spread the love!


Well-known member
May 29, 2011
Boring By Sea
Have to agree with those that have pointed out the smellies.
Not annoying in anyway but the other day a family of four, dad and three kids, were all travelling together and they all had either an I pad or phone in their hands. Minimal conversation/interaction for over an hour.


New member
Feb 11, 2008
Amazed that no-one has mentioned this yet, but people who fall asleep and lean on me are the most annoying. Just last night, a 'city worker' type sat next to me, and promptly fell asleep meaning I had 30mins with his head on my shoulder.

I dislike people who get on and block the aisle for ages and stop other people getting seats because they can't get past. These people are normally men and, whilst they fanny around for an aeon folding their coats, withdrawing items from bags and then carefully placing their bags in the racks overhead, they usually like to look around in a fairly complacent manner. These are the kind of people who like everything to be "just so". They probably have a cup of coffee and a pastry lined up for the journey so that they have everything they need. Maybe a laptop too, catching up with that new US crime drama they've heard so much about. My advice to them is: get on, sit down and get out of the way. Do your personal routine in a less selfish way. Also, and this is more of a rant, why not see if you can get by on a relatively short train journey without doing any of this - including the coffee and pastry: having everything you want all of the time is not good for you, and consider whether having everything your own way is possibly limiting other people's ability to have a comfortable journey. OK, I feel a bit better now.

This is good, but could have done with some swearing I.e "......sit down and get out the f***ing way..." just my opinion, like

Dave the OAP

Well-known member
Jul 5, 2003
at home
I commuted for 7 years and there were a few annoying things.

Tip tap lap top users.
Lap top users who took up my space on the table.
People having animated conversations on their phones.
People sitting on the outside seat of 4 tutting when I wanted to get into the window seat.
Foreignors who think body odour is attractive.

I was coming home one evening on one of the FCC trains with the seats designed for japanese people and this pissed woman got on and slumped next to me...and spend the next 40 minutes telling me and all the carriage how her boyfriend didn't satisfy her and how horny she was all the tine as she was so frustrated. At one point she said to me " I am attractive aren't i, I have nice boobs" at which point she thrust her chest at me. The woman sat opposite me burst out laughing and they had a huge argument and I thought pissed woman was going to hit her! I made my excuses and went and sat in first class.

Raleigh Chopper

New member
Sep 1, 2011
The most frustrating person I have ever seen on a train sat opposite me many years ago when I used to commute between Charing Cross and Tunbridge Wells. But it was a different type of frustration.
I managed to leave London early before the rush hour the carriage was quite empty and it was a warm day, a girl of about 18 got on and sat opposite me. She was very good looking and had very small denim shorts on but all she had on top was a string vest. She had fabulous titties and nips which both poked through the holes in the vest. I tried to be cool about it but failed miserably but she knew I was looking and kept thrusting them out. She got off at Orpington (I got off later that evening)
To this day I sometimes think about it and wonder why I did not at least try to chat her up but this thread has just resurrected a situation that had never happened to me before or since.

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