NSC was down, bbc nothing, had the official site on nothing went for a shit and a shower Come back hit refresh.
Falmer Yes details to follow
I just sat back and smiled and realised all the hard effort, falmer marches publicity stunts to get jp attention have all come good
My brother was on an early shift at the BBC. He texted me as i was cycling in the pissing rain. I started singing. I was elated. A tough morning at work has meant i haven't remained happy, but this evening will change all that.
In the kitchen having breakfast. Switched on the radio to hear the word 'Falmer' on Talksport before they went onto another story so quickly switched over to SCR to hear the report from the field in Falmer.
Same here. Caught the news on Talksport, I excitedly switched to SCR who hadn't quite announced it yet, but within a minute they did, and then promptly turned their attentions back to Chinese food!
office in Tetbury, Gloucs. Couldn't get on NSC so assumed something was up, went to offy site with the Stadium Yes post. Immediately sent a picture of the Falmer Stadium to the Swindon fan opposite, suggesting one day they may be good enough to come and play there.
I was asleep I got woken up by a text from my other half at 0830. I soon got up went online put on the radio and Sky sports news was in such a daze has taken to now let it sink in.