John Byrnes Mullet
Global Circumnavigator
To the Pub.
Somebody do a poll please.
Somebody do a poll please.
To come back to the UK and see my children.
End of. You know, I lost my mum 2.5 years ago to dementia, I'd love to give her a big cuddle right now but bugger me I'm glad she's not going through this, For those of us who can cope okay, think of those with the likes of dementia, learning difficulties, it breaks my heart to think of people in those situatons.....
Anywhere that doesn’t require a at the moment you have to have a reason to go out
the Bluebell Railway.
They'll be chuffed to see you.
The 6 Bells in Chiddingly
Anywhere that doesn’t require a at the moment you have to have a reason to go out