6th April 2083
Hmm, we need to work together here - it's the same one!
Probably bump into you most Friday nights, there or the London House.
I'll be sure to wear my scarf the next time.
It needs to stay, otherwise 100% of small businesses and traders will end up declaring their income to HMRC.
Same here barber is the only time I use cash these days.
There are two very obvious benefits.There are absolutely no benefits to cash in a digital age.
And can you really see the local hipsters heading down to The Level to buy a bag of sensi on a card? Do you expect them to give VAT receipts too?
Hmmm my local one, and now yours too, l wonder what it is with shops of this ilk?
Narcotics .... how are addicts and punters going to pay?
Narcotics .... how are addicts and punters going to pay?
Exactly So much crime is cash driven, and so many people in power get kick backs, organised crime needs cash.
More or less every dealer here accepts mobile payment through the Swish app. Can't see why it wouldnt work elsewhere, like the UK.
Ta, I’ll get the Swish app.