- Aug 7, 2003
- 8,299
We should really stop voting for governments that maintain the current state of affairs.
Unbelievable, it has nothing to do with politics.
We should really stop voting for governments that maintain the current state of affairs.
Unbelievable, it has nothing to do with politics.
The state of society has nothing to do with politics?
No, it’s about people taking responsibility for their own actions and not leaving it for others to sort out for them.
Maybe if we all moan about the "thick underclass" enough they'll change their ways.
The UK has thick underclass that think the world owes them a living, won’t be told what to do, or even listen to reason, who are totally selfish and have no respect for the environment, themselves or others. It’s a very, very sad situation and needs a cultural change of attitude similar to what happened with drink driving and to a lesser extent smoking in enclosed spaces.
So you believe that the people who wantonly leave this mountain of litter aren’t thick, selfish and irresponsible? Just making a political statement, are they?
And lots of different communities whose values aren’t same as ours. I was at a garden centre today and a bloke got out of his foreign number plated car, pissed on the verge, then went into the shop without batting an eyelid or even trying to hide himself from others. Also left kid in the car. Extraordinary. People just don’t give a **** anymore. They’ve been taught not to. By parents, government and a society that always shies away from confronting such behaviour by constantly giving them rights without teaching them responsibilities.
Selfish and irresponsible, yes, for sure.
But I don't believe that everybody littering is part of a "thick underclass" as you suggested. What's more, if this underclass does exist I think it's a societal problem that needs to be solved.
Now we have people on this thread blaming it on foreigners. I despair. Might go hang out in the bear pit.
I’ve had personal experience of those that leave their rubbish everywhere and who say “The council employs people to clear this mess up, so let them do it” It’s been the same for decades and has nothing to do with whatever political party is in government. These people are thick and just don’t give a shit. Would you leave your crap all over the beach? I’d like to think you wouldn’t. Would you make excuses for those that do? You already have.
I live right by the beach and as a rule people don't leave litter behind but when I do see anything, I'll pick it up and put it in the bin. I'd also have no qualms about telling someone else to take their own rubbish away if I saw them leave it.
I haven't made excuses for anyone. Earlier in the thread I suggested, in jest of course, shooting litterers on sight. I was merely irked by your snobbish comment about a "thick underclass".
I’ve had personal experience of those that leave their rubbish everywhere and who say “The council employs people to clear this mess up, so let them do it” It’s been the same for decades and has nothing to do with whatever political party is in government. These people are thick and just don’t give a shit. Would you leave your crap all over the beach? I’d like to think you wouldn’t. Would you make excuses for those that do? You already have.