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What's the longest you've ever spent in hospital?

Mellor 3 Ward 4

Well-known member
Jul 27, 2004
saaf of the water
i had 13 ops in 3 years ending about 5 years ago. simple op went wrong originally (absess by bumhole) got sceptisemia - intensive care for 11days.
wound wouldn't heal. few ops to sort it - didn't work. went st.marks london where they found i had a cyst attached to my bowel and spine. they removed it cutting bit of spine away and leaving me with colostomy bag. when this was reversed a few months later i started leaking poo internally giving me peritinitous (worst pain i could imagine). they put colostomy back. had that reversed several months later - succesfully. i'm now fine - ish.
sorry if this goes on a bit, i could actually of filled many pages going through the whole experience!!
quite an experience - makes respect stuff a lot. even when our seagulls have a bad day!!!!

That sounds awful.

Hope all is well now.


Well-known member
Oct 8, 2005
2 nights in Dublin hospital after being attacked by some of their bravest. Suspected broken nose, fractured skull, though none of these actually happened.

Have to say though ,the nurses in the ward I woke up in were lovely :love:


Well-known member
Sep 19, 2003
East Sussex coast
i'm now fine - ish.
sorry if this goes on a bit, i could actually of filled many pages going through the whole experience!!
quite an experience - makes respect stuff a lot. even when our seagulls have a bad day!!!!

I was scheduled for a spot of keyhole surgery. You know, in one morning and kicked out the following day. Yeah right ...

It all started to go wrong in Australia with being carted off to a medical centre in the bush followed by a week in Cairns. 4 'morphine holidays' over the next year in the Royal Sussex. Then 2 x stints in intensive care, collapsed lung (twice), jaundice, too drugged up to know how many ops, MRSA, post-incisional hernia and throwing up blood by the pint. 6 months off work and had to give up a great job. Was given the all clear and then 18 months later spent a month in the short stay ward (go figure) with a spectacularly dangerous little thing called ascending cholangitis. Then I had the op proper, almost 3 years after it was first scheduled.


The people most likely to get them: menopausal, overweight, heavy-drinking women.
Me: bloke, scrawny and more or less teetotal

You've been warned.

Barrel of Fun

Abort, retry, fail
Ouch, what does that do?

It makes me hear. To give you some idea, before the cochlear implant I was tested (with just my hearing aids) to repeat very short sentences emitted from a speaker. I scored 8%. With my implant, I scored 98%. It's just one ear and the test was conducted in a soundproof room, but has changed my life immeasurably.

From going deaf at 20, I got my life back ten years later.

Is that a remote control device? Or an internal earpiece for an MP4?

The dense white matter is surgical bandage stuffed in to my lughole. Funnily enough, I do have a remote control and I can listen to music with the device. I have two wires to attach to the external machine. One gives me just music, the other allows background noise to accompany the music.

Shropshire Seagull

Well-known member
Nov 5, 2004
When I was diagnosed with diabetes I spent a week in the PRH, Remember it like it was yesterday, it was March 1992. Wife convinced me I should go see our GP, I didn't feel ill or anything, but there were signs. Bizarrely, at 6pm, after a quick urine and finger-prick test, he ordered me to get myself up A&E first thing in the morning, they will be expecting me. So was this an emergency or not?

I was on the ward for 3 days / nights feeling a proper fraud with seriously ill and dying men around me. During the day I used to "check out" and go for a walk round the shops. Then they moved me to a private room and it was almost like being in a hotel - really very strange, came and went as I pleased. I was supposed to be ill, but didn't feel that way. Anyway, it took them a week to stabilise my blood sugar level and I've been injecting 5 times a day ever since.

I've got more perforations than a Tetley teabag ....

And now I have 6 monthly visits to the clinic for a) diabetes management & control, b) eye examinatons [inc retina photography], c) foot screening [sensitivy tests]

Benefits? Free prescriptions and a flu jab - oh what joy ...


Well-known member
Sep 30, 2006
Burgess Hill
In total during about 10 weeks in 2010 when I developed sudden onset UC, a toxic mega colon and had my colon removed and an ileostomy created. Later that year I had reconstructive surgery to create an ileoanal pouch and the ileostomy was sealed up. Not a great time but I'll forever be in the debt of the medical teams who first saved my life and then gave me a life back.


Dec 8, 2005
Soham, United Kingdom
3 weeks in hospital when I had a collapsed lung 4 years ago

Lung wouldn't re-attach to the chest wall after several attempeted re-inflations over a couple of weeks so got reccomended for surgery, which was delayed by a few days so ended up staying longer than I had to

4 years on and my chest is still numb but at least I can breathe!

Two and a half weeks when my lung spontaneously collapsed in 2005.

Fun times.

I've also had collapsed lungs :p
I was in hospital twice, once when they had to put a chest drain in my left lung in 1999 and the other time when I had an op on it in 2007, I've had no problems since :thumbsup:


Well-known member
Jul 6, 2011
7 weeks after major knee surgery from football injury back in early 90's.

Bognor Bystander

Looking for a new job
Oct 7, 2010
Bognor Regis
Luckily next to no time myself - was born in one and 1 night to correct a twice broken nose. However, my youngest daughter broke her leg sledging aged 5 at Goodwood with me. Severe Spiral fracture of the femur and spent 3 months in St Richards with her as she had skin traction until they were happy both legs were the same length again. Oh and my Mum was in for 18 months with TB when she was a lot younger.

lawros left foot

Glory hunting since 1969
NSC Patron
Jun 11, 2011
Total of about six weeks now, on and off. Up to 33 cardiac arrests now, I have one in the night, get up and go to work a couple of hours later, dont even go to A&E now.

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