I was 23 in 1976 and well into Rock/Blues Rock/Hard Rock/Prog Rock with a side of classic Motown and Soul. So when all the hype started about Punks and this lot turned up, to say I was less than impressed was a massive understatement, and then I saw this and had to admit (quietly) that I actually liked it. I was too old to take all this malarkey and never destined to be a hardcore lover of Punk, but they did have their moments and this was one of them for me.
Old fart

To be honest, I was 18 in 76 and music being so tribal back then in the UK it would have been weird for people in their early 20s to be into punk. Eater did a cover of Alice Cooper's 17, and renamed it 15 (I won't post it as it's against thread rules) sort of making the point.
None of that matters now, at least not at the music gigs I go to, where the range is teens to older than me (64).