Going with the Clannad connection, here's the lovely Enya.

Another one from Radio Six today. I had forgot what a terrific song this is
Ooh it’s a corner;9521971 said:I think I posted it on the story thread - it’s an absolute classic
From the same album - the outstanding ‘Inner Visions’ here’s another
Just play the whole album
I love virtually everything of his from mid 60s to early 80s in particular but that run of albums in the 70s - Talking Book, Inner Visions, Fulfillingness’ First Finale, Songs In The Key Of Life Is pure musical magic. For me he is the ultimate musical genius of my lifetime
Don't think I've posted any Bob for about ten minutes
And then came, Journey Through The Secret Life Of Plants. Not just a slight dip, but a complete fall off a cliff.