Insel affe
School - bamboo cane and chalk duster thrown at me several times.
Foster Home - A walking stick, fists and slaps.
Home - some form of garden cane, kicked down stairs, the bendy roads for hot wheels cars loop the loop section (hurt like hell)
Swore I would never hit my child, believe me I've come close, she can push it... Would never do that, because I can cuddle with my daughter after she's done something naughty and the dust has settled and she looks at me and I can see she loves me something my parents never could say and still can't.
Foster Home - A walking stick, fists and slaps.
Home - some form of garden cane, kicked down stairs, the bendy roads for hot wheels cars loop the loop section (hurt like hell)
Swore I would never hit my child, believe me I've come close, she can push it... Would never do that, because I can cuddle with my daughter after she's done something naughty and the dust has settled and she looks at me and I can see she loves me something my parents never could say and still can't.