Seagull kimchi
New member
Those who care about the F.A Cup and the result are more likely to be the old skool (dinosaurs) born before 1990 ish who will want to win everything because that's the competitive way they were brought up.
The others are likely part of the "everyone's a winner, all about participation style school sports day, no losers, lovey dovey, namby pamby, middle of the road, wishy washy, liberalist, lefty, lily livered, blame it on society, willy nilly, sun dried tomato eating, decaffeinated, all inclusive" way of thinking.© Inspector Derek Grim.
It's done now, history will only remember the giant killing and not whether a G.Murray was on the teamsheet.
Me, I'll be satisfied if we get promoted this year and have to belatedly win the FA Cup next year (or the year after, or whenever, if ever.)
So you are ridiculing those born pre 1990ish and liberal softies - interesting stance. So you are some kind of young stud who is beyond any sort of the kind of ridicule you promote. Yeh you're a diamond aren't ya?