Gammon is however you spin it a racial reference.
I said racial reference not racism.
Its is one of a miriad of ingroup terms that becomes fasion when uttered in the mainstream, like OK or STFU boomer.
For the right to left equivellent try soy face. again it refers to alleged behaviour of nu-males. face
No. It Is an insult. It is not racism.
I really have to disagree with point c. We (if I include myself as a Boomer for the sake of argument) were really concerned. We used to have earnest discussions about the 'ecosphere' (as we used to call the overall environment), we were worried about intensive farming and the use of pesticides such as DDT. And we were REALLY worried about pollution.
That's not everybody obviously, some were just happy to live in the supermarket society, but the idea that no one cared about the environment (or did anything about it) until about 1990 is total bollocks. (Not that you're saying that, but in these discussions it's often implied if not actually stated). And no we didn't do anything specific about climate change, but then the Victorians weren't that hot on Gay Rights either. Each generation deals with what it thinks is wrong and tries to change it.
You seem very worked up about this.
A detailed answer is worked up? I am niether pro or anti Gammon or soy face, I am facinated by these memes though.
It has a racial element to it so yes, clearly it’s a racial reference. But this does not necessary mean it’s a racist reference. You seem to be conflating the two. And I’m pretty confident it’s not used in a racist manner in the vast majority of cases.
Fascinated by the term gammon; I think you need to get out a bit more.
No. It Is an insult. It is not racism.
That’s all right then.
That actually looks painful
Fine by me.
Takes all sorts. I prefer polite debate to insulting people.