Zesh Rehman
New member
I thought we were reasonably loud today!
not really, it was horrible sitting there.
I thought we were reasonably loud today!
not really, it was horrible sitting there.
not really, it was horrible sitting there.
May I ask why?
Then kindly f*** off over to H block with all the other whingers and leave the family stand to people who actually enjoy the game without moaning.
For the record, I thought that the family stand was pretty good today especially in the last 10 minutes. Burgess Hill Massive were on top form.
Its dire, just a load of 5 years old blowing air horns and rolling around on the floor. Fair enough if your that, but not for me. No one even watches the game. There was a bigger cheer in there when the f***ing Chelsea score was announced.
Yes i will kindly f*** off back to H block, i cant stand all the moaning in H block, but its a million times better than the family stand. And no one enjoys the game there anyway, its just a load of dads who wanna go to the football but their wifes have made them take the kids along.
Whinge, moan, whinge, moan. You really are a twat. You won't be missed. I'd rather sit next to an enthusiastic child merrily cheering on the Albion and making some noise rather than a prat like you.
You know what - next time you choose where to sit AND bearing in mind you find sitting amongst FAMILIES such an abhomination....well, DON'T CHOOSE THE FAMILY STAND.
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Roz and I had a WHOLE ROW to ourselves today.
Its dire, just a load of 5 years old blowing air horns and rolling around on the floor. Fair enough if your that, but not for me. No one even watches the game. There was a bigger cheer in there when the f***ing Chelsea score was announced.
We were watching the game.
The hooters were incredibly irritating today, but if thats what its going to take to get people in then so be it. And surely the handing out of MOTHERS DAY FLOWERS from two young Gullys Girls was worth some sort of positive note!
I didnt choose to sit in the family stand, my dad did because it was cheaper. Why are you giving me so much abuse? You really are a sad sad man.
not really, it was horrible sitting there.
Its dire, just a load of 5 years old blowing air horns and rolling around on the floor. Fair enough if your that, but not for me. No one even watches the game. There was a bigger cheer in there when the f***ing Chelsea score was announced.
Yes i will kindly f*** off back to H block, i cant stand all the moaning in H block, but its a million times better than the family stand. And no one enjoys the game there anyway, its just a load of dads who wanna go to the football but their wifes have made them take the kids along.
The f***ing Family Stand - Absolute SHIT
Nope, not even that could cheer me up!
I wasnt having a dig at the family stand or the people that sit in it. Sure its great for people for young children, but not for me.
Let's see shall we...
Like I said...the clue was in it being the FAMILY stand. Shock, horror....you discovered that it's full of families with fidgety, excitable children. And for the record the family stand is full of dads AND MUMS who choose to take their children to see the match and quite enjoy it. No swearing, no moaning, lots of noise, lots of cheering even when we're losing. If that makes me sad then so be it.
EDIT - Oh, forgot this little gem from you as your opening gambit
I choose to sit in the family stand. I like sitting in the family stand. I sit with my family and it isn't shit. Your moaning is though.
Do you not have to take a kid to get a ticket in there?
I DIDNT call you a sad man for sitting in the family stand, i called you a sad man for choosing to abuse me for me just telling my angry opinion. It was completley over the top by you.
No - my response is proportionate to your assessment of the family stand AND your reasons for expressing it. Your initial post was to call it a four letter word, you then went on to make crass generalisations that were quite frankly as insulting as they were wrong.
If you're gonna try and be controversial then learn to take criticism, young man.
Im not trying to be controversial. Is young man meant to be an insult? Old man?