NMH said:I have The Scars 'Horrorshow/Adultery' which is great punky stuff.
NMH said:I have The Scars 'Horrorshow/Adultery' which is great punky stuff.
Stumpy Tim said:I had a mole taken out of leg two weeks ago which the Doctor thought was cancerous. Fortunately it wasn't, but it's left a nice little scar on my shin, and I've washed the pants I shat when he told me
Scarface said:Seeing as its the reason for my username I should probably contribute here! Two inch scar down the middle of my forehead from playing football a few years ago. Teammate came flying out to head the ball clear and caught me with his knee. Cue blood spurting out everywhere and the Wilka's nice sweaty white t-shirt held against my face! Cut was deep enough you could see the white of my SKULL and triggered a mother fucker of a migraine. Trip to Haywards Heath A+E in the Ambulance where the dumb surgeon seemed surprised that it started bleeding when he pulled it open to take a look .
They werent happy to stitch me up because of how visible it would be, so had to go to Eastbourne where the specialist was. Only problem was someone else had priority on the Ambulance so a mate had to drive me there and back. 25 stitches in all.
ben andrews' girlfriend said:Where do i start!
Ok left hand -
One running the whole way round my finger next to little finger, to stop finger from falling off, and to help circulation.
Index finger and middle finger are fused together, and big scar running over the top, because the bone tries to grow through my skin, meaning it had to get filed a few years ago
Right hand
Pretty good collection of scars as my index finger was once my toe. have an "S" shaped scar next to my thumb to join up veins / arteries / muscles, same as on the other side of my hand. several skin graft scars on index finger, and scar the whole way round from putting it on! Couple of "hole marks" where some staples decided to come out my finger also. In total 110 stitches.
Middle finger - one the whole way round half way up (dunno what that one was for), and lots of constructive stuff from when my fingers were fused together but arent any more. One running midway to tip from having a nerve graft from further down my finger. Diagonal scar from when my class mate and i were trying to fix a bicycle pump, and the metal went right into my skin!
Finger next to little one - one running up it from reconstructive surgery.
Little finger - small one round the side when taking off the bands.
On my right arm, a scar from the skin graft from my finger to toe op, left arm seems to be fine!
Scar on bikini line from a skin graft when i was v little
Left foot - only 4 toes, and big lightening sized scars running to midway down my foot from where the toe once was.
What do i win?!
Should I ever meet you remind me not to shake your hand!ben andrews' girlfriend said:my index finger was once my toe.
Took your time! Mine is much better than his though!_wilka_ said: