We had a meet up a few months ago, and Oliver Andrew (scary French teacher) and Dave Akers turned up, the latter with his guitar.
Susie Boon was supposed to put in an appearance but sadly couldn't make it.
My youngest is 10 & has an extremely racy Rita Ora calendar hanging up in his room...my wife didn't realize it would be quite so revealing when she ordered it for him for Xmas - but its bloody fantastic I must say!
I shared your feelings for KerenI was in love with Keren Woodward from Bananarama (the one on the left) and had a poster similar to this.
Also had a similar one to this Madonna poster from Smash Hits
Nice operation. We just resorted to the old violence and protection rackets,making 5p off selected kids of their 15p daily dinner money. It's not as bad as it seemed all it meant was they couldnt have a pudding. Kept us in Sovereign and Razzle and they have probably been healthier in later life.My mum was convinced I was GAY, and was busy saying Hail Mary's every Sunday to protect my soul burning in hell should I have decided to bowl from the pavilion end.
When I came home one day and stuck up posters of Debbie Harry and Kate Bush she rushed back to church and lit a candle as she thought her prayers had been heard and I had been saved.
(Little did she know that I was already the school's major distributor of grumble mags, having worked out a shoplifting SCAM with one of the tall kids in the year above me. I would go into a newsagent and ask for a quarter of sherbert PIPS or bon bons. Whilst the newagent was weighing out the sweties my partner in CRIME would sweep up the contents of the top shelf into his adidas bag and we would split the contents and sell them at skool).