Abi Fletchers Gimpboy
95% of life to be fair
Exams are my biggest bugbear mind.
Exams are my biggest bugbear mind.
Poaching eggs.
Driving. Finally passed my test in my mid thirties since when I've driven a car approximately seven times. I just don't enjoy it in anyway. The great thing is that my Mrs loves it and is also a little scared of my "attempts" and therefore chauffeurs me everywhere
In fact maybe I should just change it to 'being a bloke' seeing as she does all the DIY and I do the hoovering, cleaning and as much cooking as I'm there for.
Sunglasses for me.
Having a beer before the sun is over the yardarm. Would probably help if I knew what a yardarm was.
Mid day.
I am rubbish at reading instructions and if I do read them it is always a quick scan rather than reading them carefully. Makes life difficult often.
Big pot of boiling water, get a fork and stir the water around into a whirlpool. Once it's up so speed tip egg into the eye of the storm and just leave it until it looks poached. Once it looks good fish it out with a spoon and place on hot buttered toast.
And there is a theory about using a dash of vingar in the water but I think this is an old-wives tale; pure water in my kitchen.
Mid day.
A golden rule of mine that is, apart from St Paddy's day 2013 when we kicked off against them lot at 12.
'Mr Murphy... do you see yourself as having any weaknesses?'