Brain Surgeon
An interesting tweet I saw a few days agon, wont be able to find it when something like this: 'No America, we don't hate your freedoms, you hate ours'.
I don't get that, seems more like that particular person is trying to make it into an anti-USA protest than anything else. True, the US has significantly backed Mubarak in recent times, but they quickly realised that they were backing the wrong horse and have been applying pressure for him to resign.
The situation in Egypt is very difficult; while it is clear that Mubarak is finished, the 'international community' is very concerned at the prospect of a power vacuum, which would most likely be filled by the Muslim Brotherhood, a (percieved) hardline Islamic group. At the very least, it would make life a damnsight more tricky for Israel, and could lead to the severe 'Islamification' of the entire country (by which I mean introduction of Sharia law, persecution of other religions, etc.).