Originally the Swankers
I can happily sit at home or in my cab playing with myself?
Confirming what we always knew.
I can happily sit at home or in my cab playing with myself?
you need to be a virgin telly / broadband customer to qualify.
Will look for a link.
The torch! Can't tell you the number of times I've used my iPhone torch app to find my way to bed in the early hours.
Add to that world radio, diary, journal, slingplayer (to watch my home TV abroad), satnav, film reviews/times, metronome, ipod, guitar chords, guitar tab, maps, foreign language tutor, vouchers, skype, social networks, weather, car park finder, traffic warnings, currency converter, calculator, etc, etc, and occasionally the phone!
Can't see how I ever managed without it and I suspect smartphone doubters would be the same as me if they got one.