I think a few of NSC's finest might look like this
I recognize the guy on the bottom row, far right, seen him at loads of away games?
Zesh Rehman and Elder for England
come on name them I know Frutos and Duffer is that 1066 in the middle?
Who's the guy that looks like Andy Whing? I'd like to tell him so...
Depends which one you think looks like Andy Whing?!
Can somebody point out who's who in that photo?
Sorry I'm nosey..
Bottom row-Far left
Bottom row-Far left
To be fair he is better looking than Whing.
Firstly: Who's the "stunner" of the team?
Again, depends who you think is the stunner?
I was looking for a female opinion, to be honest...
Yep, but I'm hoping he'll have a sense of humour about it (prays it isn't Bars Mar)
EDIT: Who's Little Rich?
Elder for England
Oh right, I thought you had someone in mind. Are all of them NSC people?
Oh right, I thought you had someone in mind. Are all of them NSC people?