Monkey in a seagull suit.
The wind up bird chronicle - Haruki Murukami - Very good read, main character is a bit of a strange one though.
Anyone using a Kindle?
If so, what do you think of them?
Any good? Gimmick?
read both on holiday! very poor ending.
Got one for my birthday at the weekend and loving it. Downloading books is very simple and nice and compact for commuting.
I'm intrigued by this comment. I started commuting again after a couple of years off and gave myself the task of counting the number of e-readers I see on my daily commute. After three months, I've seen the grand total of six - hardly anyone appears to be using them. I'd have thought the Brighton to London commuters would be exactly the sort of people using them but it seems not. In fact, I remember one train out of London where everyone seemed to be reading a book - more than 20 paperbacks in one carriage and not a Kindle in sight. I've been trying to work out why this is but am stumped as to the reason.
The reason is probably because you cannot beat the physical experience of having a book in your hands. Christ we spend enough of our lives staring at screens, why would you want to read a book on a screen as well and be denied that page turning pleasure, looking at the progress your bookmark has made when you put it down or pick it up, the musty smell of an older book etc. etc.
.. I spend 10 to 12 hours a day in front of a screen why spend more?
Anyone using a Kindle?
If so, what do you think of them?
Any good? Gimmick?