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[Albion] What Amex Improvements Would YOU Like To See Over The Summer?

Nobby Cybergoat

Well-known member
Jul 19, 2021
My 16-year-old daughter works in the kiosks at the Amex. When you've heard the amount of shit she gets from leery, pissed-up bellends you might ask why they're they desperately falling over over themselves so people like you can have their precious pint.
Yeh, the treatment those kids get at the hands of twats trying to be hard is cringeworthy and soul destroying.

I always try to make a point of giving the kiosk staff a big smile and a thank you, but yeh that can't make up for the last 5 people acting like utter arses

Nobby Cybergoat

Well-known member
Jul 19, 2021
Maybe a few bits for kids to do outside the stadium would be good. It would be nice to be able to enjoy a pint and there be a few kids activity things to send them off to

Kuipers Supporters Club

Well-known member
Feb 10, 2009
Clean the roof
Toilets outside
Sort out the Park & Ride
Mill Road - park those who arrive first at the top. Would solve a lot of problems.
Buy Bennett’s Field - would solve parking issue.
Outside toilets
Beer only queues

Clive Walker

Stand Or Fall
Jul 5, 2011
fix the tiny crack in the roof that causes a near constant drip onto my right knee whenever rain is about!


Behind Enemy Lines

Well-known member
Jul 18, 2003
Build a proper, covered space for a large bar, with seating, tv screens etc, which serves food. The Peter Ward bar?
Generally improve the range and choice of food both in and outside the stadium.
Make sure the Harvey's bar and the other bar are open in the WSU. Why aren't they open on match days? Would help cutting down the queues for main bar.
Turn up the volume on TV screens in WSU so people can actually hear them.


Well-known member
NSC Patron
Nov 15, 2008
A time release post-match entrance to the west upper. Set so that no one can enter the West Upper until at least 20mins after the last brighton player has left the pitch after a match. Thousands(?) of people are trying to leave the stadium down comparatively narrow stairways and they have to deal with people choosing to climb the stairs right after the game. It's unnecessary.

Harry Wilson's tackle

Harry Wilson's Tackle
NSC Patron
Oct 8, 2003
Clean the roof
Toilets outside
Sort out the Park & Ride
Mill Road - park those who arrive first at the top. Would solve a lot of problems.
Buy Bennett’s Field - would solve parking issue.
Outside toilets
Beer only queues
Also, what about toilets outside?


Well-known member
Jul 23, 2008
I wonder if TB will revisit plans for a NS hospitality tier/lounge, now we’re riding high?

The club coffers must be in increasing good shape, this time he won’t need to dip into his own pocket.
I would love this, and also a box added to the north east corner, to really complete the look of the stadium interior.


Well-known member
NSC Patron
Aug 25, 2011
Withdean area
I would love this, and also a box added to the north east corner, to really complete the look of the stadium interior.

It really would look and sound complete.

There was a TV interview with Norman Cook the other week. He mentioned being at club Falmer stadium meetings in the 00’s, where only one participant said to aim very high with the capacity, to disregard Withdean crowd numbers as we have a huge catchment area to ourselves. The others were all cautious. Norman said that lone voice was Tony Bloom, always two steps ahead!


You can change this
Helpful Moderator
Jul 4, 2003
Back in Sussex
It really would look and sound complete.

There was a TV interview with Norman Cook the other week. He mentioned being at club Falmer stadium meetings in the 00’s, where only one participant said to aim very high with the capacity, to disregard Withdean crowd numbers as we have a huge catchment area to ourselves. The others were all cautious. Norman said that voice was Tony Bloom, always two steps ahead!
Warren Aspinall told the same story on Sunday after the game. And again tonight.

Quebec Seagull

Vive le football... LIBRE!
Oct 19, 2022
Gatineau, Québec, CANADA
Would adding a tier to the NS require municipal approval? Although I recognise that the limited extra seating might not offset the costs in the short or medium term.

Also, yes to more outside toilets. If you're going to sell beer on the grounds 90 minutes before opening the stadium doors, then one fancy port-a-potty ain't gonna cut it -- unless you enjoy watching grown men stand in line for a quarter-hour with their legs crossed tight and mop ever-bigger beads of sweat off their worried brows.



Well-known member
NSC Patron
Aug 25, 2011
Withdean area
Would adding a tier to the NS require municipal approval? Although I recognise that the limited extra seating might not offset the costs in the short or medium term.

Also, yes to more outside toilets. If you're going to sell beer on the grounds 90 minutes before opening the stadium doors, then one fancy port-a-potty ain't gonna cut it -- unless you enjoy watching grown men stand in line for a quarter-hour with their legs crossed tight and mop ever-bigger beads of sweat off their worried brows.


They’ve got planning permission already, adding just a few hundred seats. Then it was parked by the club, I think due the financial effects of the Pandemic. But then Chelsea and Arsenal started gifting us vast sums of money.

redoubtable seagull

Well-known member
Oct 27, 2004
They’ve got planning permission already, adding just a few hundred seats. Then it was parked by the club, I think due the financial effects of the Pandemic. But then Chelsea and Arsenal started gifting us vast sums of money.
Don’t the club have permission to take capacity to 32,500, which included a shelf along the NS with converting offices to create hospitality. Barber denied it at a fans forum but if they have the permission for an extra 7/800 from current capacity I bet they wish they’d done it for this season.

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