I think it looks absolutely beautiful.
If i'm walking along the seafront and fancy sitting down for a bit I always sit there.
It has a mesmeric quality.
has to be a rusty eyesore.
The Arches and terraces on the seafront are going the same way, while the council does diddly squat as they slowly decompose taking another iconic part of Brighton with it
There are certain things that make Brighton unique, and instantly recognisable, and give Brighton its identity
The two piers, the seafront railings, the arches and terraces along Marine Parade.
The second pier has gone, the terraces and arches quickly going to the extent that soon they will need demolishing because they will be dangerous and too expensive to repair.
Once gone they will never be replaced and we become more and more an identikit town, indistinguishable from Worthing, Eastbourne and numerous others, all of which are cheaper, cleaner and have councils who actually do appear to give a damn about their towns, rather than pump money into vanity projects and fleece lo0cals and visitors alike with exorbitant and unnecessarily restrictive parking and traffic policies which contribute to the death of the place
The i 360 is more of an eyesore Id happily see that piece of crap pulled down. As for the West Pier I love it, maybe not as much as I did before the last arson attack 10 15 years ago, but is an Iconic piece of the City.
The i 360 is more of an eyesore Id happily see that piece of crap pulled down. As for the West Pier I love it, maybe not as much as I did before the most recent fire 10 15 years ago, but is an Iconic piece of the City.
I think the results above would be reversed if it was that tall thingy with the bulging head. Now that's ugly.
Whats happened to it over the years is nothing short of a national disgrace.
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Bit harsh on Fred Dineage. He doesn't come out this way that often, to my knowledge.
I think the time of replacing it has now passed and I think it should be celebrated as an iconic feature. To my eyes it has a majestic beauty that is now a key part of the city's visual identity. As long as it safe to do so, I'd like the relic to remain.
it was such a shame when the plans to restore it to something resembling it's original purpose fell through, but fall through they did. If it was torn down and not replaced we'd miss it.
Bit harsh on Fred Dineage. He doesn't come out this way that often, to my knowledge.
And it is not possible to be too harsh on him.