As a Hammers fan, here is my take on things.
Firstly, you will not find many WH fans with illusions of grandeur. Don't forget that 2 of the verses to Bubbles are "and like my dreams, they fade and die" and "Fortune's always hiding". I would think that a large percentage of ardent WH fans would take a dip to league one if it meant getting rid of the owners.
Talking of the owners, they sold us a dream. A world class stadium suitable for champions league football with seats going right to the pitch. No wonder many voted for it.
Champions league football withing 5 years after investing in the team.
A debt free club
There's many many more that I can't think of off the top of my head but the promises and lies by the dildo brothers has caused this. Most supporters will not rest until they're gone.
As many have said....bloody joke of a club.
If ever you get rid of the owners, do you think WHU will get a proper football stadium elsewhere in the not too distant future? Are their sites?
IMO, the overly spacious stadium with its shallow gradient tiers, will rarely generate a 12th man atmosphere.