Overall immigration increases the tax take, the Tories have no interest in reducing it when there are low paid jobs to fill. 12 years till now, 18 years from the last time. Where does the tough on immigration belief even come from!?
Michael Howard and Call Me Dave both dog whistled immigration to make out labour are 'soft' to get the votes of the thicky racists. All innuendo. It works with the gormless, and peculiar individuals like former football hooligans who suddenly get all pious about law and order the nanosecond foreigners are mentioned. Law and order. Sake.
Just as there are stupid people in Ukrain who think Putin will bring back the communistic 'good times', there are people in England who think every chancer from Dave to Boris to Nigel will bring back the good times when everyone was white and went to church on Sunday (presumably to ask for forgiveness for assaulting someone at a football match the day before). It's pathetic. And they get half their facts about 'trained Marxists' and the like from fake news websites run by Putin. Putin!
Dimbot central - where confirmation bias meets wilful stupidity.