fork me
I have changed this
Those places have large communal bins these days.
Yeah, even worse. I lived in Steine Street in the town center for about 9 years up until leaving the UK 2 years ago, they'd just introduced those before I left. Apparently the
council introduced them because they would be "more convenient" for residents. I fail to see how it's more convenient to carry your rubbish to a communal bin than have binmen come and collect it. The reneged on all their promises even with them. The FAQ sent out to residents stated they would never be full or overflowing because they would be emptied regularly (they were regularly full) and they would be easy to open, even for the elderly and disabled because of the "foot pedal" design. They stopped getting the foot pedal ones in preference for one's you had to open from the top after the first batch as a cost cutting measure. They are a real step backwards as far as I can see.
Still, on the bright side, when I moved out of the town, I dumped tons of stuff in the community bins that the binmen would never have taken. I probably filled one by myself.