Vicente beating the Derby team and smacking the north crossbar, shame it didn't hit the net.
and then getting subbed straightaway - the hallmark of FLAIR is that you have royally pissed off you manager by simply doing something he couldn't as a player
vicentes run
noones assist for buckley 2nd v donny
but my favourite was...
el abd getting lambert sent off
Who did Calderon score that goal with the outside of his boot with? The curl on that goal was brilliant.
Vicente must own 8 or 9 of the top ten FLAIR Amex moments but lets not forget Razak's insanely flairniacal performance against Ipswich, including one time when he eluded 3 Ipswich tackles all at the same time.
Calderons goal v Bristol, and Mackail-Smiths turn and shot v leeds
Can't remember which game it was, when Tanno dummied one player then chipped it over the head of another, then ran over and high fived Gus on the touchline.