Some other bugger will do that for you when they park next to you in the supermarket and kick their door open. Probably giving you a nice dent too. Usually a company car driver or a kid.
You know those cars parked right down the far end of the supermarket car park, miles from the store, so far that the owners get soaked to the skin if it is raining? That's me that is, avoiding all the selfish toxxers who have no concerns about damaging your paintwork, or denting your bodywork. The kind of people who use their car roof as somewhere to rest a box of groceries while they open their boot, or who cannot be bothered to return their trolley to the correct place, instead leaving it out in the main car park to get blown into someone elses car on a windy day. If you look closely, very often you will see some of the shiniest, most expensive cars down that end of the car park, with good reason too.