Mr C
No-one has yet asked or stated why they made this change.
Mr C said:No-one has yet asked or stated why they made this change.
readingstockport said:
Plastic shoes are SOOOOO passe my dear, vegetan is quite simply all the rage right now
Oh, you'll notice that both of those sites premises are in fact in ....
Nibble said:Vegetarians are a very contradictorial section of society. Most bend or mis-represent the strict view of vegetarianism to suit their own desires and preferances. This is where the ridicule of vegetarians stems from, rather than their choice to be a vegetarian. If one claims to be a vegetarian and uses the title to describe themselves and justify their standpoint then they are perpetrating a mistruth if they do not strictly adhere to a vegan diet. There really is no such thing as a vegetarian. One is either vegan or a liar. There can be no middle ground.
The one exception being if one simply does not like the taste of flesh.
Nibble said:Healthy white meat is a great way to ingest protein. Meat, while not essential to the human diet is certainly advantagous to a healthy diet if the right meat is selected and it is eaten as a part of a balnced diet.
Vegetarians often miss that point. Vegans I can respect though, they have the courage of their convictions. Saying I'm a vegetarian but I eat eggs or cheese is like saying I don't smoke except for marlborough lights.
Nibble said:But they are animal products. I can see that there really is no point arguing against ill-informed so called vegetarians. I will state my case for one last time. There is no such thing as a vegetarian. You are either vegan or you are a carnivore. There can be no honest middle ground.
¤Dã?n¥ §êãGüLL¤ said:No I do see your point, just that the way I understand the whole (moral) idea of vegetarianism is not to eat the flesh of any animal that has been killed for the purpose of human consumption - chickens lay eggs and cows produce milk anyway and it doesn't hurt them, so it is completely different from eating physical flesh.
Nibble said:But what animals produce these products? The ones that are about to be slaughtered to provide meat.
Nibble said:By the way I am neither a vegetarian or a vegan.