I’ve never been to an Ivy, but I hope you both have a good time, and at lunchtime the Valentine menu will not be on offer, so you can chose what you want!Well, I don't really care anymore what anyone thinks of "the Ivy".
I'm too old now to worry about what anyone else thinks...or care.
However....at my great age, I understand now that all the " I don't care" bollocks stated by soooooo many, it just a way of saying..." I can't really be bothered". There are so few reminders these days of showing some romance, a touch of caring, a bit of showing appreciation ...it disappoints me. I never used to bother about anniversaries, so called special days, but sooner or later, one forgets to actually do anything.
Tomorrow morning, I start the 500 mile journey ( including channel crossing) return to the UK, so that the following day, I can take my partner to lunch at the Ivy in Brighton . Is it corny ..? I suppose it is, according to some. To me, it's an opportunity to say " a heartfelt thankyou"...and "I care about you too " to someone who rather lovingly calls me "a work in progress" despite my many faults.
She's worth it ....( and on lots of other days too ).

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