That sort of comment always confuses me. You are judging the current Conservative government with the last government when Britain and the economy was an entirely different?
Wasn't Cameron and advisor to the last tory government?
That sort of comment always confuses me. You are judging the current Conservative government with the last government when Britain and the economy was an entirely different?
I'm sorry to drag this back to the original story.
Possible scenario:-
Confront 2 burglars on your property.
Burglars see shotgun and turn to run.
As they turn you shoot.
They are shot in the back.
I am not saying this is what happened, just considering it as a possibility.
Also, why do some people on here feel the need to turn almost every thread into a pro/anti government dispute?
Assuming we're talking about the British government :
The false dossier on WMD in Iraq
Cash for honours
To name but two off the top of my head !
Agree re the WMD but cash for honours has been going on for decades. Talking of falsifying info, didn't Maggies crowd state the Belgrano was steaming towards the Falklands hence the order to sink her when subsequent evidence showed it was going in the opposite direction!
Did the Tories cover up Mad Cows disease and the potential threat for as long as possible.
I don't deny the Tories were corrupt as well but the question was about this government. Cash for honours IS corruption regardless how long it's been going on.
Unfortunately 99.9% of all polititians are corrupt or in it for their own gain and deserve little or no respect - I am of course excluding members of Seagull Party from that statement!
I get tired of this Martyn blokes name getting dragged up all the time.
You need to remember that Martyn wasn't convicted by a left wing looney council, or even a left wing looney government.
He was convicted by a Jury.
True, there's a lot of stuff about Tony Martin that never came out in court.
There are clearly examples about of the law being an ass when it comes to offenders getting their comeuppance, but I always feel a little uncomfortable about Tony Martin being held up as a fine example of the genre.
That's because the liberal bleedin' hearts brigade always jump up on their high horse about how the poor burglar's human rights have been violated, or some crap like that.
If you live in Texas and still think breaking into other peoples home and robbing them is a good idea then you can only expect to be shot at if you are caught doing it because that's the Texas way.
But after all isn't shooting at "innocent" people how England came to rule half the world?
But after all isn't shooting at "innocent" people how England came to rule half the world?
bet i wouldnt, as far as im concerned when someone breaks into my house he loses all rights , and i dont agree with the statement earlier about burglars arming themselves if they start getting shot, in my view the more burglars that get shot, the les skeen they will be to break into and trash peoples houses, i can only assume the people that disagree have never come home to the chaos that follows a house burglary.Sorry absolute 100% horse shit, often repeated but always completely off the mark. I'm not defending the low lives who went into his house, just bored of the complete misinformed bollocks that is spouted about this case.
Martin was convicted by a JURY, not by the liberal bleedin' hearts brigade. Unfortunately the Jury system doesn't work like that, whatever you read in the Daily Mail. He was convicted by the letter of law, law that existed before you'd even heard the words "political correctness" . You'd probably like to think they were all there reading the Guardian between sessions, but the reality was that there were thinking very very hard about the evidence and probably the consequences of allowing Martin his freedom.
In all probability when confronted with what actually happened that night, you'd have come to same conclusion.
.. and lets remember, he was released eventually.