AZ Gull
The pyramids original use is interesting.
Its looking more and more likely that they were power stations for a previous global civilisation.
The same as the sites in South America.
I'm becoming quite convinced now that before this civilisation there was a far more advanced global civilisation,highly likely to be extraterrestrial in origin.
I believe there was a war between different factions in our solar system but earth survived and we survived and have grown into the civilisation we are now but in the shadow of ancient structures of which we still don't who built them, how they were built and what they were used for.
Its all fascinating stuff and the more I look into it the more it seems possible and now science is starting to agree.
Can't wait to get to mars(if we are not already there of course)and I believe there will be loads of stuff found that proves it was also an inhabited planet like ours but was destroyed in the war.
Is niburu out there somewhere?or did it get destroyed in the war?was Venus also nuked?was the moon some sort of defence sattlite or space station?
So many mysteries and we really need the answers.
I'm expecting a disclosure event soon.
I believe the us government has been hiding the truth for decades,maybe even centuries.
But now more countries are involved in space and cameras are everywhere the us government is under pressure to reveal it.
I follow the news closely and they are slowly dropping in small stories without much fanfare that would have been huge even 10 years ago,but obviously they don't get noticed at the Moment.
The reason for these stories is a slow subliminal normalising and pre warning of the public so the big story is not so much of a bombshell as happened when war of the world's was released.
I also think we are now at a level of development where we are getting more interest from extraterrestrials so they may just turn up en masse out of the blue and the governments are aware of this so want to tell us about them first.