Brain Surgeon
So Lord Browne's report has come out, and he's proposing an end to the hard cap on tuition feeds with some kind of soft cap coming in over £6000. The rate of interest charged on loans would increase once they start to be paid off, while the wage required to initiate the repayment of loans would be increase.
BBC News - At a glance: Browne report
I know it would make a difference in our house; currently the missus has c£22k of student debt (having gone on to do a PGCE after finishing her 4 year undergraduate degree) and only now, into her fourth year of teaching and second year as a head of department, has the loan started to decrease rather than increase in value, despite making repayments for the past three years. It would certainly increase the priority attached to repaying the loan if we were being charged higher interest on it.
BBC News - At a glance: Browne report
I know it would make a difference in our house; currently the missus has c£22k of student debt (having gone on to do a PGCE after finishing her 4 year undergraduate degree) and only now, into her fourth year of teaching and second year as a head of department, has the loan started to decrease rather than increase in value, despite making repayments for the past three years. It would certainly increase the priority attached to repaying the loan if we were being charged higher interest on it.