Blue Valkyrie
Not seen such Bravery!
Need to win by 5 goals tonight to win the 1st half of the season league - and qualify for the end of season promotion playoff final.
1-0 winning
Any one going this Sunday will need tickets in advance
No Pay On The Gate.
Just had a look and this was the Croky cup. That amuses me greatly for some reason. Can we play in a Wotsits Cup? Monster Munch Shield? Tesco Value Chipstick Trophy?Big Cup game tonight.
Just had a look and this was the Croky cup. That amuses me greatly for some reason. Can we play in a Wotsits Cup? Monster Munch Shield? Tesco Value Chipstick Trophy?
A few of us being disloyal by missing Huddersfield game and heading via Eurostar to Brussels for USG's last game of season on Sunday 3rd March.
Have contacted USG ticketing by email, but no response, as to whether it will be POTG, or if we should buy in advance, and if so, how.
Their website is useless!
Any pointers much appreciated.
For the game against AFC Tubize there is no pay on the gate and it doesn't look like the ticket office is open on the matchday, or Saturday 2nd with Friday being the last chance to get tickets.
This has happened to me before and the ticketing email always seems unresponsive. When this happened to me was the first time I went over so I reached out to their fans group @unionsg on twitter. Thankfully they helped me out and I PayPal'ed them the money for the tickets in advance and I collected the tickets from the club house where the fans group were selling merch. All worked smoothly, but was nothing official and just down to the kindness of these fans who helped me out.
For more details from their website chuck it through a translate app like: which should help a bit.
Hope you get it sorted. There a really good bunch and Brussels is a great night out
For the game against AFC Tubize there is no pay on the gate and it doesn't look like the ticket office is open on the matchday, or Saturday 2nd with Friday being the last chance to get tickets.
This has happened to me before and the ticketing email always seems unresponsive. When this happened to me was the first time I went over so I reached out to their fans group @unionsg on twitter. Thankfully they helped me out and I PayPal'ed them the money for the tickets in advance and I collected the tickets from the club house where the fans group were selling merch. All worked smoothly, but was nothing official and just down to the kindness of these fans who helped me out.
For more details from their website chuck it through a translate app like: which should help a bit.
Hope you get it sorted. There a really good bunch and Brussels is a great night out
Now I'm confused, as I clicked on your link and it def says "Ticket counters closed on the day of the match (from 18h)".
But looking now on site it says "Counters OPEN on the day of the game from 6 pm ". Now the match is at 4pm so am hopeful that's a typo.
Obviously going to try to check (I have the phone number too), but all a bit confusing!!