Thanks. I like Martin Freeman in most things, but had never heard of this show before it was mentioned for this WC.It's a little bit (but only a little bit) like Outnumbered inasmuch as it relies a bit on the conflict between the generations, and the kids' parents are stuck in the middle having to look after the generations below and above. It's not bad at all, albeit a bit patchy.
And as a complete O/T aside - why do you think Sky is 'evil'?
It's not a hill I'd choose to die on, but my distaste for Sky is a hangover from its Murdoch ownership in the main (and IMO, that's a man with a lot to answer for). I also don't like all the stuff that has disappeared from free-to-air TV thanks to it all being Sky-jacked and put behind an expensive paywall. I get the arguments about the transformation due to the money pumped into sports thanks to their relationship with Sky (and others), but I am perhaps old-fashioned in my negative view of the rampant commercialisation and obscene wages. Football just feels less real.
Murdoch will definitely receive one of my proverbial lightning bolts, if I am ever lucky enough to have them bestowed upon me (though old age will get him pretty soon anyway, so he can probably sleep easy if he's reading this