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UFO's - Do you believe that Extraterrestrials have visited/are visiting this planet?

Extraterrestrial Visitation of Earth

  • In the past yes, in modern times no

    Votes: 8 4.8%
  • In the past yes, and in modern times yes

    Votes: 51 30.5%
  • I believe they exist, but I don't believe they have ever been here

    Votes: 83 49.7%
  • I don't believe in extraterrestrials

    Votes: 25 15.0%

  • Total voters


New member
Jan 3, 2007
isnt he just? i used to think conspiracy theory followers were intelligent, albeit misguided. they have to hold such a wealth of information to track all the different theorie and interconnections. dingodan has falsified this theory, you just have be competent with google and bookmark a bunch of youtubes and blogs.

Quite. I can't say I've ever credited CT's with much intelligence. How much intelligence do you need to summise that everyone is out to get us, we are being lied to about the most inconsequential flummery (Shakespeare theory as a particularly potent example) then trawl the dark side of the internet for any old theory or wobbly old vid that supports what you think you know? Baffling. I'm baffled.

Mr Smggles

Well-known member
May 11, 2009
I firmly believe there are many planets which harbour life. Whether it has evolved anywhere near to the extent we have, is a whole other matter.

Hungry Joe

Oct 22, 2004
Heading for shore
Interesting debate this. I'm no scientist, religious man or believer in CTs. I like to think I have an open mind but don't have anywhere near the time I'd like to do enough research to reasonably be able to argue the finer detail with those better read and/or more intelectual. However, for my two-penneth, this is what I believe:-

Humans have evolved (via Darwinian thoery) incredibly complex brains that are able to contemplate things beyond their comprehension. It's 'all stored up in chemicals', if you like. The downside to this is the comprehension of our own mortality, something that is likely to be peculiarly human. Because of this those chemicals have 'created' feelings of 'love', 'faith' etc to keep us from pondering the ultimate pointlessness (beyond procreation and survival) of it all too much, and topping ourselves in vast numbers. These chemical reactions are stronger in some (those that look for meaning in faith, God, aliens etc) than others (the rationalists). I have absolutely no evidence for this, but I'd wager there is a much higher rate of suicides in the rationalist camp, for to really see reality is to stare into infinite nothingness and accept that we only do 'good' things for ultimately selfish reasons of preservation. The upside however is our ability to create great works of art, beauty, scientific acheivement, to help us live longer and appreciate our time whilst it lasts, God is in the detail and all that. It's ultimately a survival mechanism. So we'll never square the science vs religion circle, there will always be at least two sides calling each other silly names. For my part I am more convinced by the scientists but still wonder at the the human race in all its glory and wickedness, and sometimes think that I'd like a more romantic explanation than chemistry, physics and maths can provide. But for me, that is what 'art' exists for, to make the journey that much more fun, inspiring and worthwhile.

So, aliens visiting Earth to help us along? I don't think so. 'God' being responsible for creation? I don't think so. There being intelligent life out there somewhere? It's as likely as it is unlikely.

Life, nature, the universe is one big accident man. But what a f***ing amazingly beautiful one.
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Citation Needed
Feb 16, 2011
"do entities more evolved than us gain access to this frequency sometimes? Yes.
can a human change his frequency to gain access to entities? Yes.
can information be taken from the "astral" ? Yes.
can information be given in the "astral" ? Yes."

You're a pair of clown shoes mate.

Yeah hate to burst your bubble but astral things have nothing to aliens or reverse technology. On a more...down to earth...note (lol) astral may relate to a world other that the here and now. Its sort of like when dogs or cats randomly stare at something and shy away from it or howl at the wall. Second point about humans changing to alter their frequency or something. Ever heard of zen? When people meditate? Those are ways of changing one's frequency to a whole number of different situations. Information can be obtained from the astral, I believe. Note i said i believe though.

This thread is about what you believe not how much Nibble can put people down for what they believe. Ultimately those who have complete faith in books to tell of the mysteries of the universe know nothing. We haven't even left our solar system physically yet. So until the day you can say you know everything about the universe, just lay off bullying people who don't have the same opinion as you. It makes you look like...a clown.


New member
Jan 3, 2007
Yeah hate to burst your bubble but astral things have nothing to aliens or reverse technology. On a more...down to earth...note (lol) astral may relate to a world other that the here and now. Its sort of like when dogs or cats randomly stare at something and shy away from it or howl at the wall. Second point about humans changing to alter their frequency or something. Ever heard of zen? When people meditate? Those are ways of changing one's frequency to a whole number of different situations. Information can be obtained from the astral, I believe. Note i said i believe though.

This thread is about what you believe not how much Nibble can put people down for what they believe. Ultimately those who have complete faith in books to tell of the mysteries of the universe know nothing. We haven't even left our solar system physically yet. So until the day you can say you know everything about the universe, just lay off bullying people who don't have the same opinion as you. It makes you look like...a clown.

Oh dear, you really have failed to grasp any of this haven't you. I am not having a go at anyone for believing in something else, I am having a go because they reject any other explanation other than their own. It's hardly bullying is it, when I have rationally and calmy tried to explain to them why they are being idiots.

Don't make the mistake of thinking that because I reject some utter loony ideas about how the world and universe function that I adhere to text book explanations.

I meditate regularly. What they are experiencing is an advanced form of relaxation. They are not inj the astral conversing with a bright white light made up of energy and peace and knowledge.

Just because science can't explain everything it doesn't mean it knows nothing. I don't believe in filling those gaps in knowledge with sensationlist conspiracy theories and alien stories. Populating their world with theories from one culture, mixing it together with ideas from another, blending it all up into one big conspiracy theory horseshit smoothie. I actually prefer it that somethings can't be explained. I hope they have a lot of fun with their ideas but I think trying to find likely explanations and theories as to what goes on in this world and universe is best left to us grown ups .
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New member
Jan 3, 2007
Yeah hate to burst your bubble but astral things have nothing to aliens or reverse technology. On a more...down to earth...note (lol) astral may relate to a world other that the here and now. Its sort of like when dogs or cats randomly stare at something and shy away from it or howl at the wall. Second point about humans changing to alter their frequency or something. Ever heard of zen? When people meditate? Those are ways of changing one's frequency to a whole number of different situations. Information can be obtained from the astral, I believe. Note i said i believe though.

This thread is about what you believe not how much Nibble can put people down for what they believe. Ultimately those who have complete faith in books to tell of the mysteries of the universe know nothing. We haven't even left our solar system physically yet. So until the day you can say you know everything about the universe, just lay off bullying people who don't have the same opinion as you. It makes you look like...a clown.

Of course, this makes so much more sense. :nono: I think this may be the kind of thing that makes me regard you as a bit of a simpleton.

Hungry Joe

Oct 22, 2004
Heading for shore
Of course, this makes so much more sense. :nono: I think this may be the kind of thing that makes me regard you as a bit of a simpleton.

I think your arguments would be better received generally if you laid off on the arrogance and name-calling a bit. This is North Stand Chat, not a University debating society.


New member
Jan 3, 2007
I think your arguments would be better received generally if you laid off on the arrogance and name-calling a bit. This is North Stand Chat, not a University debating society.

I think you may be right if we were talking about someone else but I really don't think they would receive any other oopinion other than their own.

Hungry Joe

Oct 22, 2004
Heading for shore
I think you may be right if we were talking about someone else but I really don't think they would receive any other oopinion other than their own.

That may be so. In my experience though, most arguments are lost the moment you start referring to people as things like simpletons.

Second point about humans changing to alter their frequency or something. Ever heard of zen? When people meditate? Those are ways of changing one's frequency to a whole number of different situations.

Yep, it comes originally from India and is more accurately named chan - it morphed into what is now known as Zen during it's journey from India, via China to Japan. And it is sod all to do with 'changing frequencies' whatever the hell that means.

On a slightly different, but slightly related, note I spent yesterday at the Olympic archery and I can tell you it is actually a damn fine sport to watch. And the archers acheive almost zen like calm immediately preceding the release but not one of them 'changed frequency'. Look up kyudo and watch the practitioners of that and you may begin to get the point.

edited for carp speeling.

Hungry Joe

Oct 22, 2004
Heading for shore
the archers acheive almost zen like calm immediately preceding the release

I've noticed that too, impressive. I acheived a Zen like calm yesterday lying on my sofa listening to Sigur Ros. Meditation and Yoga are things I'm very interested in getting more into. The inner calm you experience afterwards is fantastic, and as you say, has sod-all to do with tapping into different frequencies or dimensions or whatever. As I aluded to in my first post on this subject, I believe it all comes from the inner self and the way we can change our brain chemistry to experience these feelings and emotions.

One Love

Well-known member
Aug 22, 2011
I think you may be right if we were talking about someone else but I really don't think they would receive any other oopinion other than their own.

That's what they accuse you of.

So you have two sides thinking the other mind is closed.

The difference is, from what I can see, only one side is name-calling.

That's what they accuse you of.

So you have two sides thinking the other mind is closed.

The difference is, from what I can see, only one side is name-calling.

Not at all imo. We sceptics and non-believers have many times said what would convince us to change our minds. For me you could easily get me to believe in god if you showed me a fossilised bunny in the pre-cambrian layer. No such thing has ever been found and so I continue to be a sceptic about any sky daddy and continue to believe the bible to simply be a book af fables put together by superstitious goat herders several thousand years ago.

As for aliens. Simples. Show me scientific evidence that the earth is subject to extra-terrestrial visitations. Instead of using conspiracy theory rubbish use science and the scientific method. Do that and prove using those methods that aliens visit us and I will recant my scepticism on this subject and believe.

Now, what will convinice you that your believes are wrong?

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