I'm just pointing out that some posters on here as soon as they get a sniff of religion/God/etc on here (and presumably every other internet forum they are members of) immediately it seems to raise their hackles and they have to fight it with all of their might.
Just wondered why it seems to invoke such an emotional reaction, that's all.
Any ideas?
Stepping outside the circle for a second - i.e. not debating the yes/no point - my personal thoughts on that: I have no problem with those who claim it is their opinion and nothing more. But when the religious try to force their beliefs on others I have a problem, and that knocks on.
With kids being indoctrinated before reaching an age to choose for themselves, with preachers on street corners stopping me as I mind my own business, and with the religious knocking on the door of my home to discuss their beliefs... yeah I get annoyed. I'm not aware of door-to-door atheists, but if there are some I'll happily moan about them being out of order too.