Until Brighton cabbies recognise they provide a service that is highly overpriced and comes with bugger all customer service then they deserve everything they get. For far too long the cabbies of Brighton have acted as a mafia - look what they did d to the Tuk Tuks. Nope - time to grow up and act as a CUSTOMER SERVICE business - hopefully Uber might drill that into them.
Agree about the mafia. I had a cab driver smash into me a number of years back. He was super apologetic at the time but about a year later I got a letter from my insurance company saying he was claiming all sorts against me. They then tried to negotiate a 50/50 deal. I refused and it ended up in court. His lies unraveled pretty quickly and I won; the stupid arse claimed I did a manouver which was shown to be physically impossible due to it being a narrow single lane street. What really pissed me off was a witness, who materialised very late in the process.....it was a fellow cab driver. Tossers.