i bet she loves it in the dirt box...![]()
What twaddle. Support for Trump on NSC? Oh yeh - masses of it ............
There are a few extreme Brexit haters whose prejudices lead them to fantasise that somehow in their bigotted view Brexiteers are Trump supporters too - it probably reinforces and justifies in their own minds their entitled and arrogant contempt for people who don't agree with them. There is no comparison between the march for Brexit and Wednesday's disgusting events - one was a peaceful legitimate political rally; unlike Wednesday's it was not trying to overturn a democratic outcome it didn't like by use of force.
The only comparison between the Brexit process and Wednesday's Trump rally was baying mobs outside Parliament, marching up and down waving EU flags and trying to overturn a democratic outcome they didn't like by shouting at it. Anti-democratic protests in both cases. Fortunately the remainers' baying mob seeking to overturn democracy was less violent and aggressive than the loons in America, and didn't get people killed, although with Sir Bob Geldof in their midst they may well have been more potty-mouthed!
The post you replied to didn't say there is "masses of support" for Trump on here. And although it mentioned the Brexit march, it didn't compare it to the storming of the Capitol. Meanwhile, you might want to remember that the Brexit ideology storm did in fact result in a horrific violent killing, that of Jo Cox.
Why do you think that traditionally women's roles pay less?
The post you replied to didn't say there is "masses of support" for Trump on here. And although it mentioned the Brexit march, it didn't compare it to the storming of the Capitol. Meanwhile, you might want to remember that the Brexit ideology storm did in fact result in a horrific violent killing, that of Jo Cox.
How does that square with females who currently or recently reached the very top as leaders then? May, Swinson. Sturgeon, Arden, Merkel, Von der Leyen, Sanna Marin. There are probably others too.
Nah I agree with everything you just said, this one tangent I was on is all a greater whole of divide and conquer that at its heart always comes back to the elites dividing and conquering the rest while they get richer off of your anger.
The majority of homeless people are men. The majority of suicide deaths are men. Young men graduate college and universities less than young women. Young women are out-earning young men. Single women are more likely to own a home than single men. There are gross discrepancies in the amount of government aid available to men and that available to women. Head to the park with your young daughter alone on a sunny day and tell me how you get on, I've heard horror stories from friends with children. Go take a look at how many mens shelters there are compared to womens for domestic violence despite it being 50/50.
The fact is, you are exactly what I mean by the problem: "You're a white man, you have it so much easier than women, if you're not succeeding then it's your own fault."
You are a far better charmer than myself Mr Sydney.
However, I do find her weirdly attractive. Like a young Cher.
.... in the world. I have a daughter too, it’s the age old fear of any parent. And a reality, I know two teens who were stranger raped.
Absolutely brilliant post Viper on a very complex subject, sadly not acknowledged by many [emoji122][emoji122][emoji122][emoji122][emoji122]
Men’s rights are a real issue that people are very uncomfortable talking about.
Even a passing comment here about us being a patriarchy, is said as if it’s common knowledge, yet with no proof to back it up. Just repeating rhetoric that’s been put into your head for the last 5 years in media.
You're probably right - the Brexit element is best left to the Bear Pit. By the way, I'm not dismissing your point of view. I completely accept that there are many reasons why people voted for Brexit - you didn't necessarily need to believe Farage, Johnson, Rees-Mogg, Gove, or any of the other serial liars. However, it's difficult to argue that the Vote Leave campaign wasn't based on a whole pack of lies. And one of the most galling aspects of the whole process was that, as soon as anyone on the other side tried to highlight those lies, it was labelled "Project Fear". Expertise was ridiculed ("we don't need experts"). It became impossible to properly debate the issues.
That's the problem....the legacy of all this is that Trump and Brexit have caused huge division at a time when we all need to pull together. And unfortunately the architects of Trumpism and Brexit are just getting richer on the back of it.
Absolutely brilliant post Viper on a very complex subject, sadly not acknowledged by many [emoji122][emoji122][emoji122][emoji122][emoji122]
Men’s rights are a real issue that people are very uncomfortable talking about.
Even a passing comment here about us being a patriarchy, is said as if it’s common knowledge, yet with no proof to back it up. Just repeating rhetoric that’s been put into your head for the last 5 years in media.
Jesus wept, white men get a few years of being told that they are privileged (when they are) and you’d think the world was falling in.
It’s certainly rich having the Christ in tears. He and his old man set the model for HIStory to be dominated and controlled by men.
Female voices in the bible make up less than 1% of the narrative or quoted content.
I find it interesting that you’ve started a discussion here, accusing society of having a bias against women yet you being up the concept of”women’s roles”.
A salary is drawn up and determined by market factors, supply, demand and value to businesses.
Women and men are hardwired very differently, men tend to be into “things” and women into “people”. No. Not always, but by and large this is the case.
Men tend to go into careers which are based on “things” which are therefore scalable financially. Tech, software, mechanical engineering, finance, data. All skilled jobs, all provide scalable value to a business.
If a woman (or a man) chooses to go into a caring career, the career is not scalable, limited qualifications, they can be replaced. I can tell you from experience, all of the above financially great careers have a massive drive to increase diversity and sexes. The facts are very few women apply for those jobs.
Yes straightaway, that was my point. I wasn’t sure if you had spotted it.
I'll start with education, seeing that I studied it, and I taught for 10 years - In Primary schools the classroom is nearly always set up for boys (consciously and subconsciously) for example the space for boys to play is nearly always in the middle of the room and takes up a lot a of space, while the girls are pushed into the corners. Also there is a often a competitive nature in education that benefits the masculine. Putting up hands to ask questions for example. I won't bore you with studies but they always show the same thing, that boys get way more attention from teachers than girls.
It’s certainly rich having the Christ in tears. He and his old man set the model for HIStory to be dominated and controlled by men.
Female voices in the bible make up less than 1% of the narrative or quoted content.
I was going to try stay out of this side debate but ..... 'Project Fear' came about because the remain campaign ( and I stress the campaign not the remain voters ) decided the best tactic was to highlight all the negatives of leaving the EU rather then the positives of staying. That put the backs up of those on the fence and resulted in them voting leave ( along side wanting to give an unpopular government a kick ). If the campaign had been a positive one I truly believe we'd still be in the EU.