Well-known member
A lot of young faces in those photos. That fits in with my experience, where the staunch Trump supporters I know comprise a couple of hitherto Labour voters in their early 50's (I remember when we young, they hated Maggie) ... what a turnaround!! But mainly lads in their late teens and twenties. None of them UK party political, but vehement supporters of Trump, fake virus, Icke, anti-vax, anti face masks, the 5G masts theory and climate change deniers.
In really big numbers. Apparently their parents are too, just normal middle class familiies living in Brighton and Lewes.
It was an inevitable byproduct of young men being told they are the enemy and not worth investing in. Read this:
Then tell me you're surprised by this outcome. They're lonely young men, told they're worthless, disgusting creatures not worthy of investment or love. So what do they do? They seek out acceptance, inclusion and love. Sadly, just like terrorist groups and predators do best, they hunt for these very people to manipulate into their cults and causes to aim them like bullets at the people they hate. For incels its women, for people like the Proud Boys its 'Antifa', for gangs its other gangs or innocents with money. When this happens what is the outcome? Is there an outpouring of concern, wanting to find, help and bring these youngsters back into society? Nope instead #KillAllMen or #AllMenAreTrash trend on social media instead.
What's unbelievably sad is posting something like this then gets me branded a Nazi, so who ****ing knows how to fix it.