Pretty pink fairy
- Jan 30, 2008
- 31,981
Get back under your bed thenCNN reporting that two incendiary devices were taken into the building, possibly pipe bombs.
Curfew starting at 6pm (23.00 GMT) in Washington.
Get back under your bed thenCNN reporting that two incendiary devices were taken into the building, possibly pipe bombs.
Curfew starting at 6pm (23.00 GMT) in Washington.
There is always a tweet
You run out of tissues yet?
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Why are you such a Trump fan when he is a draft dodging coward who has nothing but utter contempt for the services and veterans?
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I'd like to think this or similar, however, the descent in to anarchy led by Trump has been so deep, I don't think many can ever come back up. Looking at the " Defences " in place in Washington it almost looks like tonight's actions were almost pre planned, lightly armed police and secret service agents are pretty powerless against a mob that size. As posted earlier on here and on twitter by those in the know, Washington DC has the manpower and the resources to front up and deploy whatever is needed to negate any angry mob.... Especially if you want a photo op by the church.
Where did I say I was a Fan of Mr Trump ?
If it's any consolation I don't think we'll ever see a protest outside the House of Parliament to keep a losing Prime Minister in power.
The implication is there otherwise you wouldn’t on the thread. So what is your view of the ****?
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People's march / Mrs May
That's lame even for you. Nice try though...
No actually it was shit.
It triggered you though
I'd have to disagree with that. Not many politicians "sucked up to him" - they deflected the question and "respected" the position of President.
Boris with all his faults did call him out quite famously in an interview before he was elected.
Alex Salmond was a disgrace. I have Scottish friends and clients, they hate the way that Salmond was a cringy bootlicker of Trump’s, culminating in a SSSI being lost to Trump’s golf complex.
Alex Salmond was a disgrace. I have Scottish friends and clients, they hate the way that Salmond was a cringy bootlicker of Trump’s, culminating in a SSSI being lost to Trump’s golf complex.