Higham Seagull Army
Active member
Easy target now for trumps blame game, its those far lefties plotting to overthrow the good ol USA , The old enemy ....they should be so lucky.
Hilarious ! the MAGA bunch won't get it though !
Could be a new record tomorrow too !
Easy target now for trumps blame game, its those far lefties plotting to overthrow the good ol USA , The old enemy ....they should be so lucky.
Indeed. The oldest trick in the book, create an imaginary threat that never materialises because you claim to have seen it first and dealt with it..... While the real threat to Americans rises virtually unchecked.I knew Trump would play the McCarthy-esque Commies card, but thought he’d leave it to the autumn, in slinging mud at Biden and the Democrats.
This a sign that he’s getting seriously worried, as the US falls apart under his joke of a racist reign.
Today is the day that death rates in the US have reached 400 dead per million of the population.
It seems to rise between 2 and 3 a day, so the 500 milestone might be reached by our August bank holiday.
The UK figure is 655
"Soon" is doing some seriously heavy lifting in that sentence.[tweet]1279947673051815941[/tweet]
Loving CNN just now, they’re taking Trump apart.
Likened to a one hit wonder pop star, who keeps having to replay that single hit, it’s all they have to say. In his case, he’s reverted back to his only political message of racism and hate.
Such a clown.
Down to a new low approval rating of 38%
Which is nice.
Nice for almost the whole wide world. But not perhaps so nice for the shallow make-Britain-great-again clowns in Downing Street. A Trump defeat would see the arrival of a Brexit-sceptic, Europhile leader of the western world more likely to see the grown-ups in Brussels and Berlin as people he can do business with.