I've often wondered what motivates people like those who would take the job as Trump's chief advisor. Or that **** Coulson who the moron Cameron had as director of communications.
I know everyone will say "money" but they don't even get paid that much in the grand scheme of things.
Not when, in Trump's advisor's case, you're going to get sacked soon (and probably go to prison) or with Coulson, you're going to expose yourself more to the chance of spending most of your life in court and narrowly avoiding prison (for being the scumbag that you are).
I honestly don't get it.
These people in the USA, imho, are themselves generally Alt-Right and/or no holds barred capitalists (the last word is not dirty for me at all, but their version is based on minimal regulation, everyone for themselves, tread on the vulnerable).
Happy to get onboard Project Screw The Planet with the Orange Oath.
If they get sacked, it's the springboard to more career opportunities than they had before.