Well-used member
My guess is that it will be a Midwest farmer that loses his whole farm,
Then Trump will 'buy the farm'...?
My guess is that it will be a Midwest farmer that loses his whole farm,
So far it has not been a trial. That happens in the Senate. According to the U.S. Constitution, the House has the sole power of impeachment (Article I, Section 2, Clause 5), and after that action has been taken, the U.S. Senate has the sole power to hold the trial for all impeachments (Article I, Section 3, Clause 6).
The trial may not happen if Nancy witholds the impeachment articles thus not allowing Trump to exonerate himself. A stalemate.
The same hysteria that brands Brexiteers and the Conservative party as far right.
This is what mediabias says about the site you linked.
Can you honestly say that if we changed Hunter Biden to the name of one of Trump's children you'd be saying the same thing?
Everyone with a semblance of honesty about them knows the absolute shit storm that would erupt if it was a kid of Trumps who got some plumb job OS getting paid huge sums of money despite zero expertise.
What Biden did is a text book example of quid pro quo. This is exactly why Trump was to be impeached, quid pro quo. This is all the Democrats said for the first few months.
So how is it in Biden's case "Government policy" but if Trump had done that it's impeachable?
See you don't even understand impeachment. Donald Trump being a shit bloke isn't ground for impeachment.
Like him or loathe him everyone is innocent until proven guilty yes?
The way the Democrats have ran this up until now is doing the opposite, pushing a guilty verdict from the start then saying "prove innocence".
As it stand the Democrats have failed to prove unequivocally he's guilty.
I guess everything you've noted has been seen previously in other Presidents or those running for that office so nobody cares anymore.
If you actually delved deeper it was the Clinton campaign who paid for a foreign spy to garner information from Russian contacts to put together a dossier to use against Trump. It's called the Steele dossier and when you look at how it came to be, how it was tried to be used to bring Trump down and how now it's been exposed. That might be why people will look past Trumps negatives and consider him the lesser of two evils this time around.
It would have been quicker and more honest to write 'No I can't answer without pivot, distraction and false equivalency. I just like him because I hate the people he annoys.'
Top mansplaining Knocky
As POTUS doesn’t know that I thought it was worth mentioning. 175 million Americans and Tyrone Biggums need to be kept informed.
There has been no trial yet. capital letters and the exclamation mark signature excluded here.
I notice that Trump calls the Democrats the 'Radical Left'. What a lying toad. The Democrats are more right wing than our current Conservative party for Christ's sake!
Did anyone ever really expect that the Trump presidency was going to end in any other way than tears and impeachment? Was nailed on from day one
Too bad then that I'd already noted a page or so back that the Senate is where it becomes evidence based to be ruled upon.
So you're a little late to the party on that.
It's been the idiot Democrats and the ant-Trump types who've not seem to understand the process.
Maybe you need to word them up.
The anti-Trump types!!
Surely anyone, everyone who is a decent person is anti Trump.
I get if you live in America and his policies put food on your table and feed your kids etc that you are prepared to ignore the negative stuff he does.
However for anyone else, especially if you don't live there, how can you not be ant-Trump? He is a seriously bad guy and that's just the stuff we know about him from his own mouth.
You’re talking to a brick wall. Biggums doesn’t even put his own shrimps on the barbie, his ‘woman’ does that stuff, cracks open his beers and trims his mullet before going off to scrub the dunny.
The anti-Trump types!!
Surely anyone, everyone who is a decent person is anti Trump.
I get if you live in America and his policies put food on your table and feed your kids etc that you are prepared to ignore the negative stuff he does.
However for anyone else, especially if you don't live there, how can you not be ant-Trump? He is a seriously bad guy and that's just the stuff we know about him from his own mouth.
The anti-Trump types!!
Surely anyone, everyone who is a decent person is anti Trump.
I get if you live in America and his policies put food on your table and feed your kids etc that you are prepared to ignore the negative stuff he does.
However for anyone else, especially if you don't live there, how can you not be ant-Trump? He is a seriously bad guy and that's just the stuff we know about him from his own mouth.
Unless things have changed since I put Tiny Smallone on ignore, I believe he does not live here in the States, he still resides in Oz. He claimed to have visited here once many years ago after I made the mistake of trying to converse with him.
Imagine how sad and pitiful your life must be if you get this involved and passionate of a political system of a country you don't live in, whilst trying to force your agenda on a chat forum for a football club, in another country on the other side of the planet. From which said football club is a town which is one the most Liberal, open minded refuge for every kind of personality in the UK and Europe/world. He is head would literally explode if he ever spent time in Brighton.
Now try to imagine how passionate he must be on his local Oz based websites, the ones from his home country, his own town, his own political parties chat forums?
This made me laugh.
**** me how can one person be so wrong about everything they type from the first to the last word
This is the kind of insular clown that views the world in such a myopic way.
To think that people can't be interested in people from other nations, sounds like some kind of white suppremicist bullshit.
This person is anti-university if he thinks people from one nation can't study other nations people's cultures and politics.
What a dullard.