Not awoke
No he hasn’t, he has been insulting, just like you have by this wet rsponse.
What am I to make of you?
You don’t sound like you have anything about you that makes you remotely interesting. I have plenty of friends that I disagree with politically but in the round I like them. You, with your “I don’t care what you think” attitude aren’t fit to take the steam off my piss.
Like many on this board you want to make your own points about stuff without anyone challenging your thinking.........and when they do, you respond by soaking your pants, what a disappointment you must be to your parents. They may not say it to your face because they love you, but I mean really............what a full fat wanker you really are.
Seriously, read your contribution again and hang your head in shame. are seriously must spend a heck of a lot of time working out what insults you can type...which is why i don't care to enter into any further 'conversations' with you.its just not worth the effort of lifting my fingers...ta ta
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