Hey come back and gang up on me with your other narrow minded bullies.
Like Trump you are facing a digital inquisition. Otherwise known as people accurately quoting and criticising your own words.
Hey come back and gang up on me with your other narrow minded bullies.
Like Trump you are facing a digital inquisition. Otherwise known as people accurately quoting and criticising your own words.
The trolling continues as Trump attempts the National Anthem
The time in the morning is a mix of residence time and Oval Office time, but he always has calls with staff, Hill members, cabinet members and foreign leaders during this time. The President is one of the hardest workers I've ever seen and puts in long hours and long days nearly every day of the week all year long. It has been noted by reporters many times that they wish he would slow down because they sometimes have trouble keeping up with him."
The BBC are obsessed with Trump - they write up what seems like a couple of articles about him every day,
The latest one: Trump's daily schedule vs Obama and Bush
(With apologies to Gilbert & Sullivan)
"I am the very model of a stable genius president
On Pennsylvania Ave you'll find I'm not a frequent resident
The Legislative Branch is something I can always circumvent
Colluding with the Russians was most certainly a non-event...
"I'm honored to reveal that I possess the greatest temperament
I didn't drain the swamp I just replaced it with a circus tent
And as for gorgeous women I can grab them all with no consent
And still give lots of tax breaks to my cronies in the one percent...
"I'm very good with signing things no one will ever implement
I have the best and biggest words but no clue what they represent
I'm going to build the biggest wall and make Mexico pay the rent
I am the very model of a stable genius president."
Wynne McLaughlin on Twitter @SpacemanQuisp
.Sometimes I think I'm watching NBC news.
It says "Sky News" on the screen.
Hope that helps.
That helped.
The BBC are obsessed with Trump - they write up what seems like a couple of articles about him every day,
The latest one: Trump's daily schedule vs Obama and Bush
Indeed. In fact he has made George W Bush look a world statesman, something George W was unable to achieve for himself during his Presidency.If any previous US president acted like Trump for one day it would be the top story around the world
He's normalised batsh*t crazy
Indeed. In fact he has made George W Bush look a world statesman, something George W was unable to achieve for himself during his Presidency.
Indeed. In fact he has made George W Bush look a world statesman, something George W was unable to achieve for himself during his Presidency.