I have no idea what this stands for, but I can guess at least one of the C's.
cock & juggling & thunder being the other ones.
I have no idea what this stands for, but I can guess at least one of the C's.
Spoilsport. [emoji23]cock & juggling & thunder being the other ones.
Spoilsport. [emoji23]
I have no idea what this stands for, but I can guess at least one of the C's.
A pretty obscure line in an equally obscure movie (albeit one of my favourites) that seems to have taken off because of the sheer inventiveness of the insult.
Learn something every day - I didn't know that was the source. Ta.
Blimey where did that come from!Actually, I have had a substantial amount of education in Islam because I used to work for an Islamic company introducing Sharia-compliant insurance to the UK. Therefore I needed to understand the legal regulation of the insurance industry AND the cultural and religious teaching of Islam in respect of what is halal and haram and why.
I think you will find that the are a number of Catholics and other Christians, Agnostics, Atheists, Druids and probably Jedi who have an equally perverse opinion on sex with children, so removing Islam and forgetting everything about the Prophet(s) will not remove hebephilia or paedophilia from society.
As previously stated, I do not follow any religion, I do however know a lot of people who do, peacefully and happily finding comfort from the words in a book that (when taken in both a historical and cultural context rather than literally) give them faith in and of a higher power. The Bible is absolutely chock full of verses, passages and stories that, in today's context, taken in isolation or deliberately mis-quoted, are pretty disgusting. The same is true of the Qu'ran and the Torah. This forms one of the principle reasons that I personally have no faith. All three tomes were written, copied, translated and passed down by people who had a vested interest in what they said - to me that makes their content rather suspect.
However, despite my personal beliefs I am educated and informed enough to understand the value of each religion in giving people personal comfort and meaning. Dismissing the value of the whole thing because of the actions of a minority is just narrow-minded bigotry. No religion is better or worse that any other. Each is followed, quoted and misconstrued by a minority of people with a f*cked up agenda, always have been and always will. Some people are wrong. Religion isn't the reason they are wrong, it's either a mutually exclusive aspect of their personality or an excuse to justify their wrong-ness.
If you start judging people on their actions rather than their labels you might find that some people who previously hated are actually alright and that some people you found affinity with are CJTCs.
Which is a complete irrelevance because its not comparable[/QUOTE
ridicule of a religious / mythical figure against ridicule of a foreign head of state ........not an awful lot in it in stark reality is there![]()
Read the Bible too, plenty of very unsavoury material in there that is not very palatable when read with modern eyes. All religion is the problem for me, no matter what invisible shamen you dance to
ridicule of a religious / mythical figure against ridicule of a foreign head of state ........not an awful lot in it in stark reality is there![]()
What is remarkable is that, yet again, the naive right wing (lots of Trump supporter/Leave voter crossover) think Trump is somehow going go give us a good deal on any future trade. The UK is on a sticky wicket on trade because the US want to infiltrate our NHS with pharmaceuticals and the US food giants want access to our market and flood us with cheap, sub-standard foodstuffs that have been banned under EU law because they are not fit for human consumption and we may not have a choice.
**** Trump and **** the US for voting in such a pig ignorant mentalist and **** right wing morons who want to pussyfoot and placate the fool.
Flooded with cheap sub-standard food stuffs - off course unless you are talking about McDonald!
Have you read what you have written and really believe it? Flooded with cheap sub-standard food stuffs - off course unless you are talking about McDonald!
I can't believe people are getting their knickers in a twist over an inflatable cartoon balloon!
Ummmm yes.
There's really QUITE a lot of difference between mocking a whole religion and one idiot.
Ummmm yes.
There's really QUITE a lot of difference between mocking a whole religion and one idiot.
Have you read what you have written and really believe it? Flooded with cheap sub-standard food stuffs - off course unless you are talking about McDonald!
You have come across a gullible wally who believes the US is desperately seeking to infiltrate a market they are not in but which they already have a significant market share in worth billions and a wally against the scientific community (even the EU scientific community) who say GM food is no harm and no worse than regular food..
Best ignore these gullible fools who ignore facts and rely on pseudo science.