Tom Hark Preston Park
Will Post For Cash
- Jul 6, 2003
- 73,277
Skinheads did their evil best to hurt as many hapless punk kids as they could, back in the day. Always remember the wise guy skin with the crutch in Croydon (Greyhound/Fairfield) that he used to swing about him as a weapon on the heads of kids just trying to enjoy themselves. Sincerely hope he died horribly. Skinheads may have individually have been luvvverly to their muvvers. But put them in a pack, it was like letting loose a pack of half-starved half-bright rottweilers in a confined space. Despise they the fact that they're now trying desperately to re-invent themselves as stylists who were only ever into the Crombies and the Sta-Prests and the Harringtons and all the rest of it. None of it meant anything. They were just thick c*nts beating up on other kids for no good reason at all. Fact.